M.Sc. Psychologie
Lydia Rupp
M.Sc. Psychologie
Lydia Rupp
nach Vereinbarung
Nägelsbachstraße 25a
91052 Erlangen
Raum: 4.122
Rupp, L., Saur, S., & Berking, M. (2024). Effects of Emotion Regulation Skills on Abstinence after Inpatient Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Latent Difference Score Analysis. Paper presentation at 3. Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress (DPK), Berlin.
Rupp, L., Capito, K., Gmelch, L.M., Böhme, S., Richer, R., Sadeghi, M.,... Berking, M. (2023). Efficacy of a smartphone-based reappraisal training against depression and benefits of enhancing it with facial expression. Paper presentation at Society for Psychotherapie Research 54th International Annual Meeting, Dublin, IE.
Capito, K., Gmelch, L.M., Rupp, L., Sadeghi, M., Eskofier, B., & Berking, M. (2022). Efficacy of a smartphone-based reappraisal training against depressed mood and benefits of enhancing it with facial expression–a feasibility study. In Proceedings of the Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress. Berlin.
Keinert, M., Streit, H., Böhme, S., Rupp, L., Schindler-Gmelch, L., Capito, K.,... Berking, M. (2022). Eine emotionsbasierte Variante des Annäherungs-Vermeidungs-Modifikationstrainings als Maßnahme zur Reduktion erhöhten Stresserlebens: eine Pilotstudie. Poster presentation at 1. Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress, Berlin.
Gmelch, L.M., Böhme, S., Capito, K., Rupp, L., Richer, R., Sadeghi, M.,... Berking, M. (2022). EmpkinS - Empathokinästhetische Sensorik für Biofeedback bei Depression. In Proceedings of the Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress (DPK). Berlin.
Gmelch, L.M., Capito, K., Rupp, L., Richer, R., Sadeghi, M., Eskofier, B.,... Böhme, S. (2022). EmpkinS: empatho-kinesthetic sensory systems for biofeedback in depression. In Proceedings of the EmpkinS: empatho-kinesthetic sensory systems for biofeedback in depression. Freiburg.
Sadeghi, M., Egger, B., Agahi, R., Richer, R., Capito, K., Rupp, L.,... Eskofier, B. (2023). Exploring the Capabilities of a Language Model-Only Approach for Depression Detection in Text Data. In IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) (pp. 5). Pittsburgh, PA, USA, US: IEEE.
Sadeghi, M., Egger, B., Agahi, R., Richer, R., Capito, K., Rupp, L.,... Eskofier, B. (2024). Exploring the Capabilities of a Language Model-Only Approach for Depression Detection in Text Data. In Proceedings of the Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress (DPK). Berlin.
Keinert, M., Schindler-Gmelch, L., Rupp, L., Sadeghi, M., Capito, K., Hager, M.,... Berking, M. (2024). Facing depression: evaluating the efficacy of the EmpkinS-EKSpression reappraisal training augmented with facial expressions – protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-024-06361-3
Sadeghi, M., Richer, R., Egger, B., Schindler-Gmelch, L., Rupp, L., Rahimi, F.,... Eskofier, B. (2024). Harnessing multimodal approaches for depression detection using large language models and facial expressions. npj Mental Health Research, 3(1), 66. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44184-024-00112-8
Rupp, L., Keinert, M., Böhme, S., Gmelch, L.M., Streit, H., Schuller, B.W.,... Berking, M. (2022). Let It Go – A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study Exploring the Utility of Sadness in an Emotion-Based Approach-Avoidance Modification Training in the Context of Stress. Poster presentation at Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress, Berlin.
Rupp, L., Keinert, M., Böhme, S., Gmelch, L.M., Eskofier, B., Schuller, B.W., & Berking, M. (2023). Sadness-Based Approach-Avoidance Modification Training for Subjective Stress in Adults: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Formative Research, 7, e50324. https://doi.org/10.2196/50324
Gomaa, A., Reyes, G., Alles, A., Rupp, L., & Feld, M. (2020). Studying Person-Specific Pointing and Gaze Behavior for Multimodal Referencing of Outside Objects from a Moving Vehicle. In ICMI 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 501-509). Virtual, Online, NLD: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
Rupp, L., Schindler-Gmelch, L., Rogge, L., & Berking, M. (2024). Walking the Black Dog: A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effect of walking interventions on depressive symptom severity. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mhpa.2024.100600
Gomaa, A., Alles, A., Meiser, E., Rupp, L.H., Molz, M., & Reyes, G. (2022). What's on your mind? A Mental and Perceptual Load Estimation Framework towards Adaptive In-vehicle Interaction while Driving. In Main Proceedings - 14th International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI 2022 (pp. 215-225). Seoul, KR: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.